TravelFREE News

#ЕлаТагниСпечели приключи! />

#ЕлаТагниСпечели приключи!

Беше ни супер забавно да виждаме всичките ви креативни снимки и видеа! Честито на всички спечелили!

И ето ги и дългоочакваните победители в нашата томбола с Bowmore! />

И ето ги и дългоочакваните победители в нашата томбола с Bowmore!

И ето ги и дългоочакваните победители в нашата томбола! Честито на всички късметлии!

Travel FREE Bulgaria. Уникалните и различни гранични магазини на Heinemann Bulgaria />
От гаража до световната сцена: историята на Steve Madden />

От гаража до световната сцена: историята на Steve Madden

Вдъхновен от пулсиращия живот на Ню Йорк, Steve Madden създава чанти и обувки, които са повече от просто аксесоар. Те са израз на индивидуалност и стил, които те карат да се чувстваш готов за всяко приключение. Независимо дали си на път за работа или за следващото си пътешествие, б�...

Travel FREE shops are part of Gebr. Heinemann Bulgaria.

We expanded our business in the travel retail market with the establishment of Travel Retail Distribution – TRD, which we founded in 2004. In 2009, we signed a Joint Venture partnership with Gebr. Hainemann, as Travel Retail Distribution - TRD was renamed Gebr. Hainemann Bulgaria (Gebr. Hainemann Bulgaria).

Gebr. Heinemann is one of the market leaders in Duty Free & Travel Value Shops, under concept stores at international airports and border shops.

Gebr. Heinemann Bulgaria is Travel retail company with a chain of 8 travel free boarder shops, working successfully for almost 20 years.

The company operates in Bulgaria and North Macedonia.

Travel Free Shops give great experience to their customers in variety of categories – perfumes, cosmetics, wines and spirits, confectionaries, accessories, delicacies and much more.

For many of our customers, “travel” and “shopping” have become synonymous with one another.  Travel FREE Shops have thus become a dream destination in their own right.

Back in 2004, the company Gebr. Heinemann celebrated its 125th anniversary. With the European Union continuing to expand, Gebr. Heinemann developed the Travel Free concept for border shops (a counterpart to Travel Value at airports).

We built a network of unique concept stores in the border and port areas throughout the country, we supply goods for onboard sales to airlines and shipping agents. Our Travel Free stores work to the highest standards, offering world-famous brands in the following categories: perfumes and cosmetics, fashion and accessories, watches and jewelry, wines, spirits, champagne, confectionery, toys and souvenirs, etc.